Lemon & Mint

Al Dana: Getting us out of our comfort rut

We’re all guilty of it: buying the same ingredients, cooking the same dishes, going to same restaurants and pretending that we might actually opt for something new,  yet inevitably tucking into our favourite. That’s us. All over.Yawn. So it did us the world of good to check out somewhere that wasn’t even really on our radar.

Last Saturday we dined at Al Dana at Sharq Village and Spa to taste their updated menu which, thanks to a new Greek chef, has some fresh Meditteranean flavours added to the menu.

We were carefully studying what was on offer and what we’d like to share when the chef came over and suggested that he take us through his recommendations and the wide variety of food on offer. It sounded like a whole lot of fun (and food) so we went for it. My only regret is that I wasn’t wearing looser trousers… the tasting menu ending up being very extensive.

What we ate


Greek Salad

They said this wasn’t anything like the conventional Greek salad and they were right. As people like to share what they eat, most of their dishes have been designed so that everyone can dig in. Speaking of digging, this dish was layered with a creamy feta sauce on which a finely crumbled olive soil sat with beautifully sliced vegetables sprouting out. There was also the addition of breaded sardines stuffed with a lemon ricotta. It looked great, and was refreshing yet it wasn’t our favourite of the night.

Greek Salaad

Sea Bass Ceviche

I saw this on the menu and thought That’s definitely not for me and get again I had to eat my words. This was one of the night’s star dishes. It was delicate and subtly flavoured, and felt like a polished dish where every component worked well together. We’d definitely recommend this.

Sea Bass Ceviche 


 A creamy cheese served over crisped focaccia bread, cherry tomatoes and drizzled with sweet pomegranate molasses. Sounds like a dream come true and it was for the Mr. whose eyes lit up like they’d read his mind. It was like a deconstructed pizza with a smoky and sweet bite. Another dish we’d be tempted to try again (and again).


Grilled Octopus

 Not our bag I’m afraid to report. There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with the dish – the octopus was nicely cooked – it just didn’t make us swoon, or battle it out for the last forkful. The fava bean paste didn’t have a great deal of flavour and it felt that something was missing… a sight sweetness or sharpness that could lift the dish to life.

Grilled Octopus

Greek Shrimps Saganaki

This bowl packed a punch. The aniseed flavours of the ouzo (or sambucca) with the tomato, basil and feta ensured that grins returned to the table (booze helps). And those prawns were very satisfying especially with a hunk of their homemade bread.

Greek Shrimps Saganaki


Hammour Tagine

I have a strange relationship with Hammour as soon as I see it on the menu I think Oooh this could be good, yet when I do order it I’m always left disappointed. I’m not sure if it’s the fish itself , which can feel quite meaty and dry, or the way it’s cooked. In this case it felt overcooked, its saving grace was the charmoula sauce was nice and smoky.

Hamour Tagine

Slow cooked lamb shank

While the lamb was truly tender, the sauce lacked flavour, even with the addition of sweet raisin. It was neither here nor there. Beautifully presented yet not a good all round dish. Although having said that perhaps it was our full bellies that didn’t allow us to fully appreciate the main courses.


Chocolate Balloon

If you like things super sweet, this is the dish for you. It felt more of a showmanship piece than a dessert you can really tuck in to and enjoy. Our chef came and poured the warm white chocolate over the chocolate balloon which melted to reveal the boozy berries. They had got very drunk indeed and the taste of the cognac was quite potent. It felt a little too rich and boozy for my liking and it was left relatively untouched which seems such a waste of good chocolate.

Deconstructed Black Forest

Black forest isn’t something we’d usually order, but then again this wasn’t the usual black forest. This seventies dish had been brought bang up to date. The cloying sweetness of dark chocolate and cherry replaced by a lighter chocolate sponge soil and array of forest berries which hid sweet (not overly so) surprises such as ganache, mallow and fruit puree. It kept us digging and wishing that we had a little more room in our bellies.

Deconstructed Black Forest

Our overall impression: Although we experienced some hit and misses we think that might be a question of preferences, and the situation­ – feeling full doesn’t help you appreciate all that is put in front of you. The service and presentation was impeccable, and there are some interesting items on the menu that we’d like to go back and try those too.

L&M: 3.5/5

The damage: The restaurant hosted us so this time there wasn’t a bill. Appetizers starts at around 65QR while mains are from 100 – 250QR.

Lemon & Mint

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