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Pollo Alla Cacciatora Recipe by @ladymarmaladedoha

We’re trying to see this new uncertain time as an opportunity to increase our kitchen skills and get better at producing healthy meals that won’t break the bank or our patience. Even though we now have more time, there’s still work to be done, and series to watch, right?

So, we reached out to fellow ‘grammer – Michela Caldara – known to us all as @ladymarmaladedoha to share some quick, easy to try at home Italian recipes. She’s been missing her mum’s Pollo Alla Cacciatora so she created her own. And this is what we’re sharing with you. If anyone else would like to showcase a recipe from home, please get in touch…. we’d love to share it here and on the ‘gram.

For our other recipes, click here

Lemon & Mint


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