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Looking to become a barista in Qatar?

You’ve trained hard to be a barista and are looking for work opportunities in Qatar. With salary data being limited in Doha, what can you expect to be paid as a salary for a Barista role in a specialty coffee shop? Is it worthwhile for you to relocate and start working as a barista in Qatar?

Other than the bit of a star status that baristas get in Qatar which is directly proportional to the skill in Latte art, cafes usually also provide accommodation and transport for their staff.

If you do get selected for the job, you can expect to be paid in the below range:
Barista salary in Qatar: QAR 1600 to QAR 2200
Head barista in Qatar: QAR 2200 to QAR 2800

While we don’t have the information about salaries in coffee chains in Qatar (please feel free to share), would you choose to forgo an opportunity to work for a coffee chain in order be a Barista for a specialty coffee shop in Qatar?

Speaking of Barista’s in Qatar, we got some sad news recently about someone who was arguably the first ever specialty coffee barista in Qatar. Lovello first started with Empty Cup cafe in Qatar and then he was last working for Empire coffee.

Lovello in Empty Cup cafe- Doha, Qatar
Lovello from Empty Cup

He suffered from a stroke earlier this year and decided to go back to his home country – the Philippines. A loss for the speciality coffee barista community in Qatar. Here’s to better health, Lovello.

Speaking of speciality coffee in Qatar, here’s our take on the local scene.


Lemon & Mint

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